Comments ( 5 )

  • Mariella

    La connessione con la nostra parte profonda, l’anima, Dio
    faccio ho oponopono, anche a me arrivato anni fa, pulisco pulisco pulisco….e di miracoli se ne vedono tanti
    condivido tutto ciò che scrivi, e come te continuo ad usarlo.
    ?…..semplicemente Fatelo…..

  • Patrice C.


    I would like to tell about ho’oponopono, Dr. Hew Len and about Morrnah Simeona.

    The mantra “i love you, please forgive you, im sorry, thank you.” is not ho’oponopono and is not hawaiian. This Mantra and all so called tools of Dr. Hew Len which are only temporarily harmonizing or calming down – NOT cleansing, NOT being any ho’oponopono, as they are not mutual.
    Dr. Hew Len never healed with a mantra by 4-phrases “i love you, please forgive you, im sorry, thank you.” at Hawaii State Hospital (the famous story of Dr. Hew Len). This Mantra was developed by Dr. Hew Len after Morrnah Simeona’s death 1992. Morrnah never taught mantras or 100% responsibility or a zero state.

    Dr. Hew Len was trained with the original textbooks by Morrnah Simeona. According to Pacifica Seminars in Germany, Dr. Hew Len spreads things today that contradict the teachings of Morrnah Simeona in essential points – and this things of Dr. Hew Len are unknown in the Hawaiian tradition.

    In fact, many criminal and mental ill patients has been healed at Hawaii State Hospital trough ho’oponopono. However, by a very different procedure, which was developed by Morrnah Simeona (a process with 14-steps). Dr. Hew Len used Morrnah’s 14-step Ho’oponopono at Hawaii State Hospital in the 1980s (for twice or three times a day). Today he tells a very different story….
    This article goes into more detail on the topic:

    I is important that everyone gets correct information about ho’oponopono so everyone can learn the original Ho’oponopono from Morrnah. (and not a fake of it by Dr. Hew Len)

    As far as I know, Morrnah has been working hard on her 14-step ho’oponopono process for many, many years (for more than 19 years). Morrnah Simeona completed the final version of her 14-step Ho’oponopono process in 1991. It is the final version today. Pacifica Seminars in Germany teach this final version of Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono in seminars and in a book.

    I really hope that Morrnah’s original Ho’oponopono-process regains fame among the people.
    I know Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono and would highly recommend it. So many things in my life have changed positively trough Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono.

    Please share this information to another people 🙂

    Greetings and Aloha,

    Patrice C.

  • Elvio Rocchi

    Ciao Patrice C.

    ti ringraziamo per il tuo contributo sulla storia e sulle origini dell’Ho’oponopono.
    Sappiamo bene che, in origine, il mantra non veniva usato dagli hawaiani.
    Senza entrare nel merito della disquisizione sulle origini, l’intento, di noi autori di Spiragli di Luce, è quello di fornire a quante più persone possibile uno strumento, valido al di fuori di ogni dubbio, per il lavoro su di sé e per la guarigione delle proprie ferite emotive.

    Come tanti post del nostro blog, questo non è un articolo enciclopedico che intende riportare per filo e per segno le origini, lo sviluppo (ecc. ecc.) di ogni filosofia e tecnica; preferiamo concentrarci sul dare strumenti evolutivi che lavorino effettivamente per il benessere, l’armonia e l’evoluzione individuale e collettiva.

    Un abbraccio e pensieri di Luce per te. Aloha.

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